How to create high-converting landing pages

Stop losing 90% of your visitors to your landing page.

Read time: 6 minutes


Sam here 👋

Are you tired of investing time and resources into your marketing campaigns only to see minimal results?

You’re not alone. 

This is a common challenge many businesses face.

Fortunately, there’s a straightforward solution that can help turn things around.

With the right approach, your landing page can be a powerful tool for converting visitors into customers.

In today’s edition, I’m going to share with you exactly how to create successful landing pages 💸

Landing pages can make or break your business.

They are your first impression to the world.

Studies show you have <8 seconds to convince visitors to stay. 

⏰ â° â°

In a sea of competition, you need to show your visitors why you are the right choice for them.

Your job is to make sure the reader:

  • Gets it

  • Believes it

  • Takes action

Let’s look at the conversion rates by industry

Source: Unbounce

Takeaway: most companies are losing 90% of their website traffic.

So, how can you create a high-converting landing page?

Follow these steps.

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1. Don’t create a one-size fits all experience

Stop having only one landing page.

When you create multiple landing pages, you open up the chance to customize your messaging, design, and content to match your product and audience perfectly.

This means that visitors who arrive at your landing pages are more likely to find what they're looking for, and they'll feel like the page was created just for them.

By providing a more personalized experience, you can dramatically increase engagement and ultimately drive more conversions.


2. Match the temperature of your messaging to the temperature of your traffic

Optimizations won’t fix a page that doesn’t match your visitor’s expectations.

You need to meet your visitors at their stage of awareness.

But what is the stage of awareness?

It’s a marketing concept created by the great copywriter Eugene Schwartz.

It describes the different stages a person goes through when becoming interested in a product.

You have to consider what the customer already knows before deciding what message to communicate, otherwise it won’t resonate.

There are 5 different stages:

Unaware, Problem-Aware, Solution-Aware, Product-Aware, and Most Aware.

Source: Growth Marketer

Let’s break them down.

  • ❓Unaware: Not yet aware of the problem or the product it solves. Avoid marketing to, unless you have the resources (❌). 

  • 😢 Problem-Aware: Feels she has a problem, but doesn’t know there’s a solution.

  • 🔍 Solution-Aware: Knows the result he wants, but not that your product provides it.

  • ⚖️ Product-Aware: Knows what you sell, but isn’t sure it’s right for her.

  • ✅ Most Aware: Knows your product, they are almost ready to make a decision, only needs a little push.

Create content and landing pages for each stage.

Join the conversation that’s already happening in their heads.

Become part of their context.

3. Craft a compelling headline

80% of people don’t read past the headline.

If the headline doesn’t hook them, they won’t see your content.

Remove the guesswork on why your visitors should choose you.

It should quickly answer: what am I getting out of this? why should I care?

Establish what your product does, for whom, what the benefits are, and how it is different.

Think of the following questions to craft it:

a) What bad alternative do people use when they lack your product?

b) How worse would life be if your product didn't exist?

c) How is your product better than the bad alternative?

d) What is the specific benefit or outcome my audience will get?

e) How do your customers get value?

e) Can I quantify it? The more specific, the better.

f) Does it stand out from similar content in the space?

Make sure you know the difference between what a value prop is. Check out last week’s edition to get it right.

4. Make it scroll-stopping

How do you get people interested in what you have to say?

Write an attention-grabbing hook:

  • Make it specific

  • Share a bold claim

  • Address key objections

  • Trigger an emotional reaction

  • Speak directly about their pain

5. Make them believe it

Visitors need you to prove this is legit.

They need to know they can trust you.

Show them proof in the form of:

  • Reviews

  • Star ratings

  • Testimonials

  • Case studies

Make sure these are from people or companies that mirror your target audience.

6. Build urgency

Set the context.

What’s going on in the world that makes your solution a must-have now?

Take advantage of inflection points in tech, culture, and society.

  • Economy

  • Remote work

  • Creator economy

7. Give them a clear CTA

Simplify the decision for them.

Your call to action (CTA) is the next step to fulfilling the claim in your headline.

Make sure you are getting rid of all their worries.

That's all for now!

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or feedback, just hit reply.

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🔍 Resources worth your time

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  • Work with me 1:1 to help you build the growth engine needed to scale your business to $10MM ARR. Let’s chat.

  • Get unstuck in 60 minutes in a high-intensity session to solve a specific challenge. Book a strategy call.

  • Get an edge by deeply understanding your customers. Stop guessing what may work and start making confident decisions about your product and marketing. Reply if interested in running a Growth Insights Sprint.

Until next time 👋
